Playing board games has a significant impact on the brain. That’s why it can even be considered as one of the brain games for seniors with dementia. The rules are easy to understand and remember. It improves memory and recognition skills at the same time. Solitaire is one of the most popular card games globally, with many benefits. It’s necessary to add Solitaire to the best free online brain games for seniors list. The other plus is anyone can play Scrabble with seniors, even their grandchildren. That’s why it can be considered one of the best brain games for older adults. Scrabble and similar word games help people think strategically and create letters. Who could say “no” to a good word challenge? Scrabble is an appropriate game for all ages, including seniors. Even some parks have chess boards to enjoy after a good walk! 2. You can play chess online or buy a chessboard to play with your family. That’s why chess is an excellent choice for playing with any age group, including seniors. It helps improve strategic and creative thinking. Who would disagree that chess is one of the best brain health games for seniors? These games for elderly can affect both their mind and mood positively. We’ve compiled the best brain activities for seniors that can be played on their own or with loved ones. You can also benefit from suitable brain balancing exercises and activities. Online brain games for seniors are pretty beneficial, but those are not the only way to support brain health. START TODAY 10 Brain Activities for Seniors Try MentalUP now, and your brain will thank you later. Anyone can easily track their progress, strengths, and skills that need improvement. The award-winning app also features personalized daily programs and detailed performance tools. These games are developed by academicians and specialists and aim to strengthen memory, logic, attention, visual, and language skills. MentalUP offers the best 150+ brain games for seniors. To keep our brains sharpened against time, we need to do brain workouts just like exercising our other muscles. Besides saving all our memories, it also helps us manage our daily activities successfully. Our brain is a vital organ to keep living healthily.