With Level 35 Salamence you need 3 players. You can find Bagon in 10k eggs, but they do not nest. its not really the best at any of the things it can do, but its still a top tier Dragon with powerful off-type movesets as well. Salamence Community Day was April 2019, which is when it received Outrage. With Level 35 Haxorus you need 3 players.īest Moveset: Dragon Tail / Outrage(legacy) Haxorus is very new right now and has not been featured in any events, but it’s a pretty good Dragon-Type attacker.

Rayquaza was last available (with its shiny!) August 2019. Dragon-Types are hit for 🛡️ Resistance.In Clear weather, Mega-Charizard X will be between 26 when caught. When caught, Mega-Charizard X will be between 21 cp without a weather boost.

Mega-Charizard X can be beaten by 2 players in optimal weather, with max friendship and perfect level 40 counters or by 4 unfriended players using level 20 counters from this guide.

Generally speaking, the best counters for it are: Rayquaza, Palkia, and Zekrom. Mega-Charizard X is weak to the following types: Ground, Rock and Dragon.